Provider Training, Tutorials and Workshops

This web page serves as one of the primary provider training areas. Below are four (4) content blocks. Each block serves as a dedicated repository for an array of key materials aligned to Provider Trainings, Tutorials and Workshops.

Once a block is selected, the selected block will open and display all materials associated with that specific content block.

Provider Workshops

Virtual Ambulance Workshops – March 2025

Acentra Health is happy to announce that the Wyoming Medicaid Field Representatives will be hosting virtual provider workshops in March 2025. These provider workshops will cover Ambulance billing and common denials, as well as an overview of the web portal and other resources.

To register for a provider workshop, please visit the Provider Training Calendar located on the WY Medicaid website:

These provider workshops are scheduled for 1 hour and 30 minutes to give providers an opportunity to ask questions and work with a Field Representative.

We hope to see you there!

Quick Reference Guides

835 Authorization

Adjustments and Voids

Claim Attachments

Claim Inquiry with Error Reason and Remark Codes

Creating New Profiles and Adding Users to the Provider Portal

Creating Templates

Entering and Monitoring Grievance and Appeals via the Provider Portal

Prior Authorization (PA) Inquiry

Member Eligibility, Code Reviews/Service Limits & Historical Claim Searches

Requesting an 835 Transaction for Clearinghouses and Billing Agents

Resetting Your Password and Updating Multifactor Authentication and Your Password

Retrieving Paper Remittance Advice