Welcome to Wyoming Medicaid’s Provider Home. On this primary page, providers will find information and links to important areas such as the Secure Provider Portal, Notice of Privacy Practices, Scheduled Provider Portal Downtimes, and more. For more information regarding the new Wyoming Medicaid website, please click Wyoming Medicaid Website Quick Start Guide.
Secure Provider Portal
The secure Provider Portal is specifically for Wyoming Medicaid Providers and is tailored to secure provider transactions and needs. For more information regarding the secure Provider Portal, please click Provider Portal Quick Start Guide. Within the Provider Portal, providers can find information on each of the following key items:
Ask Medicaid | Claim Submission |
Claim Status Inquiry | Electronic Claim Attachment |
Eligibility Inquiry | LT101 Inquiry |
PASRR Level I Entry and Inquiry | PA (Prior Authorization) Inquiry |
RA (Remittance Advice) Listing | Upload Files |
Manage Provider
Note: Current and returning providers can access the secure Provider Portal above or directly within the Provider Tab.
Multifactor Authentication Required
A required multifactor authentication (MFA) must be set up by all providers. More information regarding this specific MFA setup as well as an MFA User Guide are both available to assist in this setup process.
Please click URGENT! Providers & BA/CHs Already Registered – Provider Portal Login Change for more information regarding this login requirement. In addition, please click Multifactor Authentication User Guide for the process and steps involved with setting up this required MFA.
Web Registration for New Pay-to Providers
Welcome newly-enrolled Wyoming Medicaid Pay-to Providers. Once the Benefits Management System and Services (BMS) has received a new provider’s file, the following will occur:
- Two (2) letters will be generated and sent to a provider’s on-file mailing address.
Note: Allow 7-10 business days from the HHS approval date.
- Welcome Letter (Temporary ID)
- Security Letter (Temporary key)
Upon receipt of these two letters, providers can proceed with the required web registration process. It is recommended that providers use the available web registration trainings located on the Provider Trainings and Tutorials webpage.
Note: If providers need to be associated with an existing Pay-to provider, contact that provider’s office to complete the association. For questions, contact Provider Services at 1-888-WYO-MCAD (1-888-996-6223).
New Billing Agent/Clearinghouse Enrollment
New BAs/CHs must first complete the required enrollment process with Wyoming Medicaid. Click BA/CH Enrollment to enroll as Billing Agent/ Clearinghouse Provider.
Click the BA/CH Enrollment Tutorial for instructions on how to enroll as a BA/CH with Wyoming Medicaid.
Note: If you were previously enrolled as a BA/CH with Conduent’s EDI Services you should have received the two (2) web registration letters, if not, contact Provider Services at 1-888-996-6223 for assistance. For steps on completing the web registration, please review the Web Registration – Billing Agents & Clearinghouses (BA & CH) presentation or recording located on the Provider Training, Tutorials and Workshops page.
Single Sign On Updates
Click Single Sign On to update SSO details. In addition, please click Provider SSO Registration User Guide for more information.
Within the SSO page, you can change the following SSO details:
- Change password
- Display preferences
- User preferences
- Add/Remove Tabs
- Group Application Tiles
Payment Exceptions
The Payment Exceptions document lists out, in table format, the following key dates regarding payments:
- Wyoming Medicaid Payment Dates
- State Auditor’s Payment Dates
- Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Transmit Dates
- Check Mail Dates
- Remittance Advice (RA) and 835 Dates
Scheduled Website and Portal Downtimes
The following table displays scheduled downtimes and related impact areas for the Wyoming Medicaid website, secure Provider Portal, and secure Member Portal:
Impacted Site | Impact Address | Justification | Downtime Window |
Medicaid Website | Entire Website (Provider/Member areas and all static content) | Scheduled Maintenance |
1 am - 3 am MST |
Provider Portal | Claims Submission Verification Unavailable | Scheduled maintenance | 1 am - 3 am MST |
myHealthPortal | Entire Website | Scheduled maintenance | 1 am - 3 am MST |
Important Notes: | |||
Only Prior Authorizations processed by Medical Policy are eligible to be submitted through the Secure Provider Portal. For all other authorizations, please refer to Chapter 6 of the provider manual for the table of services for contact information. Before submitting 278 electronic files, providers, billing agents, and clearinghouses should contact EDI Services to ensure their Trading Partner ID is setup to specifically submit and receive 278 transactions. |
Notice of Privacy Practices
The following documents describe how your information may be used and disclosed. It also details how you can acquire access to this information
Fraud Schemes Targeting Native American Communities in Behavioral Health Treatment Centers
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) is alerting the public about fraudulent activities aimed at members of Native American communities in relation to behavioral health outpatient treatment centers (OTCs). For more information regarding these fraud schemes, please visit this fraud scheme notification.