Claims Blackout Period Has Begun

In preparation for the upcoming transition to a new fiscal agent, CNSI, and the planned go-live for the Benefit Management System and Services (BMS) of Wyoming Medicaid, the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) reminds all providers that a claims blackout period has begun.

This claims blackout period began on October 5, 2021, at 5 pm MST, at which point the current fiscal agent, Conduent, ceased accepting claims submissions.

Claims submitted to Conduent prior to the start of the blackout period will continue to process for one to two days, after which, any claims that have suspended or not finished processing will be denied and will need to be resubmitted in the new system.

Claims processing will resume on October 25, 2021, with new fiscal agent, CNSI, using the BMS system.

New Web Registration Required

Providers, trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses are all reminded that a new web registration is required for access to the BMS and to be setup for payment within the new claims processing system.

Two separate web registration letters were mailed out to all pay-to Wyoming Medicaid providers on September 28, 2021. These letters are required to complete the new web registration. Each letter contains key information necessary to complete this required online registration. If you have not received these letters by October 8, 2021, please reach out to CNSI at

Wyoming Medicaid providers and stakeholders are encouraged to visit the new Wyoming Medicaid website regularly for future updates.

Training Available Now

Trainings are occurring now for providers, trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses (BA/CH). These trainings are designed to showcase the new claims processing system and explain the one-time provider and BA/CH Provider Portal Web Registration process.

To view the training calendar and to register for available trainings via GoToWebinar, please click August – October 2021 Provider Training Calendar.

Information for Wyoming Medicaid Members

New Medicaid ID cards will be mailed to all members in early October with updated contact information for the new fiscal agent. On October 5, 2021, Wyoming Medicaid Member ID requests and transportation request submissions were disabled in the current system. These functionalities will be available in the new system beginning on October 25, 2021. New functionalities, such as Find a Doctor and appointment scheduling, will also be made available for members who choose to enroll in the secure myHealthPortal.