Wyoming Medicaid Transition: Actions, Trainings and Websites

Wyoming Medicaid Website Transition

As the Benefit Management System and Services (BMS) approaches its planned go-live, and CNSI prepares to take over as fiscal agent, this new Wyoming Medicaid website (www.wyomingmedicaid.com) will provide increasing functionality and information to providers and members. There will be an approximately three-week window where the new Wyoming Medicaid website will be open for provider registration, and the Conduent Wyoming Medicaid website will be up and accessible.

During this three-week window, the new Wyoming Medicaid website will have limited availability for Providers. Providers, trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses will have access to the secure Provider Portal to complete the Web Registration process. To support this process, the Provider Training, Tutorials and Workshops page within the Provider Publications and Trainings area will be available. Providers will be able to view, print and download PowerPoint tutorials to assist them through the one-time registration process. The tutorials also outline and cover the upcoming changes with the implementation of the new BMS vendor, CNSI.

In addition to tutorials, there will be familiar trainings to reference when accessing the secure Provider Portal such as Dental, Institutional, Professional, Waiver and Transportation Claim Submission, Electronic Attachments, PASRR Level I Inquiry and Entry, and PA Inquiry. There will also be a specific Billing Agent/Clearinghouse New Enrollment training document to reference. Trainings and tutorials will be updated as needed to give providers the most
up-to-date process and screen images. A recording of each of the provider trainings taking place prior to go-live will also be available at this same location on the new website.

Training Occurring Now

Trainings are occurring now for providers, trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses (BA/CH). These trainings are designed to showcase the new claims processing system and explain the one-time provider and BA/CH Provider Portal Web Registration process.

To view the training calendar and to register for trainings via GoToWebinar, please click August – October 2021 Provider Training Calendar.

Action Steps to Avoid a Lapse in Medicaid Payments

Providers should contact their trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses to communicate:

  • Fiscal Agent change
  • Required Web Registration process
  • New Trading Partner Agreement
  • Available BA/CH Web Registration Trainings and where they are located

Please encourage all trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses to ensure timely submission of claims. There will be a two-week blackout period prior to go-live during which new claims will not be able to be submitted.

In addition, the Web Registration and Trading Partner Agreement are critical and required actions for all EDI Trading Partners and must be completed prior to submitting electronic claims to the BMS.

Providers are also required to complete the one-time Web Registration process to gain access to the secure Provider Portal, to submit claims (direct data entry or upload files), to receive acknowledgements, to download remittance advices, view PAs, to verify member eligibility and more.

Web Registration Letters

Providers, trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses will receive two web registration letters, one with a temporary ID and instructions and one with a temporary key. Both letters are needed to complete the registration process.

Provider addresses must be up to date with HHS Tech Group (Enrollment Vendor): https://wyoming.dyp.cloud/landing.

To receive these letters, trading partners and BAs/CHs mailing addresses on-file with Conduent’s EDI Services must be up to date.

If in doubt, contact EDI Services (WYEDIServices@Conduent.com) today to update. Trading partner and BA/CH information will be converted to the BMS. This information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Name
  • Address(es)
  • Contacts
  • Email address(es)
  • Phone numbers
  • Tax ID

When Will Web Registration Letters Be Mailed & When Can We Register?

The secure Provider Portal is anticipated to be available approximately three weeks prior to the BMS go-live date to allow ample time for all trading partners to complete their registration early.

The web registration letters will be placed in the mail two weeks prior to the new Medicaid Provider Portal being available for providers, trading partners, billing agents and clearinghouses to complete the registration process.

Note: Wyoming Medicaid Providers and stakeholders are encouraged to visit this new Wyoming Medicaid website regularly for future updates regarding this planned assumption of operations and its aligned transition activities for BMS. If you have feedback or concerns about this process, they can be submitted by completing the available Feedback Form.