Wyoming Medicaid’s New Website, Provider Portal, and Transition Updates

As Wyoming Medicaid’s new Fiscal Agent for Benefit Management Services (BMS), CNSI, moves closer to its assumption of operations, the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) wants to reassure its providers that policy changes will be kept to a minimum during this transition.

The new Provider Enrollment Portal, orchestrated by HHS Technology Group, is projected to go live in the second week of April. A link will be provided on this website once it is active. Conduent will continue to manage EDI Services with the existing EDI Applications, Trading Partner Agreements, administer billing agents and clearinghouses, and mail the EDI Welcome Letters until CNSI assumes operations.

For additional information regarding the transition of Provider Enrollment to HHS Technology Group, please visit the What’s New section of the Conduent website.

Wyoming Medicaid Provider Portal

The new secure Provider Portal will have similar as well as some new features and functionality. The features and functions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Member Eligibility verification
  • Claim entry
  • Claim submission
  • Remittance Advice (RA) retrieval
  • Prior Authorization inquiry
  • Manage users
  • Manage billing agents or clearinghouses
  • Group providers will have the ability to view their servicing/treating providers

Acquiring Provider Portal Access

Both WDH and CNSI are working diligently to streamline this process for providers, billing agents, and clearinghouses. The goal is to migrate the current and active providers and trading partners from the existing secure portal to the new secure Provider Portal. This will require an initial registration process to establish an administrator and a new password, and to complete the Trading Partner Agreement with CNSI to enable EDI transactions, if applicable.

This will be a fully electronic process and is only expected to take approximately 10 minutes for a provider to complete. More details and Web Registration Training will be forthcoming in the summer months. Providers, billing agents, and clearinghouses should have approximately three weeks (prior to implementation) to undergo this process to ensure a seamless transition of your EDI information including business name, contact information, trading partner ID, provider numbers, and more to the new system.

Provider Training

CNSI will publish materials and offer trainings on important and helpful information for providers including, but not limited to, the following subject matters:

  • How to access the new secure Provider Portal
  • Actions to take within the Provider Portal
  • Training schedules and How to Register for Trainings

Medicaid Members

There is nothing Medicaid members need to do at this time to prepare for this change. Keep an eye out for a new Member ID card that should be arriving in late summer or early fall 2021. Instructions will also be provided for accessing the new member portal, myHealthPortal, where you can verify eligibility, request travel assistance, Ask Medicaid questions, request or print a Member ID card, and more.

New Wyoming Medicaid Website Address

WDH and CNSI recommend all providers and trading partners “bookmark” the new Wyoming Medicaid website for ease of monitoring publications and training schedules, and to also view important future status updates on this transition.

The new Wyoming Medicaid website’s address is: https://www.wyomingmedicaid.com/

It is also recommended for providers to share this information with their billers, billing agents, and clearinghouses to ensure they are kept informed throughout this transition and can also plan for these changes.